Hello everyone,
I have been reading the posts with interest as I have this week been diagnosed with S.S. I am 63. I was diagnosed after results of a lip biopsy which I found very painful after the event, My disolvable stitches did not disolve after 4 wks and my dentist had to take them out for me. I had never heard of this syndrome and was sure that I was the only one in the world with it, by Accident I stumbles across the healing welll website, must have been fate. I registered and am a new member.
I feel that my gp doesnt really feel that it is much to worry about and also doesnt know much about it. I have not had much advice or support really. However my Rhuematologist has offered me treatment in the way of a drug, cant remember the name, I have had to have another blood test, and await the results in 2 weeks to see if its ok for me to take it. I am feeling pretty fed up, as I feel that I may have had this condition for a long time, I seem to have a lot of symptons which have been treated separately over the years, can they all really be related to this condition? does anyone know.