If I may suggest that you get your tear production measured by a simple test called the "Schrimers test". That's the standard measurement used to medically determine if you have dry eye and how extensive your dry eye may be.
Just for the record, Sjogren's can affect any organ in one's body included the eye and salivary glands. With Sjogrens' you can experience weakness and muscle inflammation that is transitory. But in order to establish whether you have Sjogrens or not, a blood test which shows ANA positive (with a speckled pattern) and anti-Ro/SSA and/or anti-La/SSB antibodies are present is indicative of possible Sjogrens Syndrome. A lip biopsy is also used to determine Sjogrens.
I have severe Sjogren's myself and have zero tear production on the Schrimer test which indicates severe dry eye. I have also had punctual occlusions (tear ducts were cauterized shut) done to improve tear retention.
There are a number of techniques which I personally use to help me cope and to minimize the amount of corneal ulcerations and abrasions that I experience.
1. First I take Omega 3 supplements daily. They will help to natural generate lubrication in your eyes.
2. I try to control my environment to the extent possible. At home I have a moisture sensor in both the downstairs and upstairs to determine the humidity level in my home at all times. I use a humidifier to keep the air at an optimal level of 50 to 55% humidity even during the winter months.
3. I use an over the counter eye ointment at night to keep my eyes lubricated. In my case I use "Lacrilube". If you use a nite time eye treatment, your eyes will likely benefit during the day.
4. I use "Systane Ultra" during the day.
5. Before I go to bed, I wash my eyelids with "Lidcare" to clean out any debris.
6. I see my Opthamologist regularly.
7. In my case, because of my severe dry eye, I use eye protection whenever I go outdoors. Like sunglasses etc... and I try and avoid environments that will dry out my eyes like windy conditions or I do my best to protect my eyes in I have to go out in those conditions.
8. When I get a corneal abrasion or ulceration, I use Ciloxan Ointment which is prescribed to me by my Opthamologist.
Good luck with your eyes!