Hi everyone...
I usually post in the Lupus section here, because that is what I have( as well as some other wonderful autoimmune diseases), but I wanted to see if you all could help me understand Sjogrens a little better. My little sister (she's 29)has recently, as of this year, started to get quite sick. This month she is having her saliva glands removed and sent off to finally get a better understanding of what is going on with her. Right now when she eats or touches her neck/jaw/face she says that it feels like it's burning and there is alot of pain. She did go to see a rhuemy and she suspects this disease but is relutant to diagnose her with it. I was just wondering if you all could share your symptoms and how you got diagnosed and how your doing now. I would like to share these stories with her because right now she is feeling a bit down about the whole thing, and I think hearing from others that have it may give her some peace.
Thank you