Oh Purplelion! You poor thing! If your rheumy says Sjogren's is not that bad, he doesn't know jack about
Sjogren's and you need to
run to another rheumy. A physician should listen carefully to you and have compassion.
Like lupus, primary Sjogren's can effect the respiratory tract, GI tract, kidneys, liver, nervous system, and of course all the mucus membranes. I don't want to scare you (just tellin ya how bad your doc is), but about 5% of primary Sjogren's patients develop lymphoma which is cancer in the lymphatic system.
Just because you have positive RO and LA antibodies doesn't automatically mean SLE isn't your primary disease.
Plaquenil takes a few months to begin working, but if you've been on it for ages talk to your new rheumy about other meds you can try. Ultimately, once you find the right meds for you, your pain should decrease and fatigue improve. Tramadol works best when taken with Tylenol. I take Tylenol Arthritis.
I also take anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs because for me, depression is unbearable. Please feel free to drop in any time, even if it's just to vent. Love, Butterflake