Hi JH.....
I really sympathize with you. I know what the health care systems are like in Canada, as I'm from the East Coast. You need to understand that finding the proper mix of medications take time, and I know that its really frustrating. As a bipolar patient, I'm still waiting to find the proper mix of medications. Maybe you should attend the Pdoc appointment with your husband. That way you could voice some of your concerns. Sometimes, there are certain triggers that will affect your moods. I can usually keep my angry outbursts undercontrol, but there are certain members of my family that are big triggers for me, and I find that I have angry,manic outbursts from being around them for any length of time. I get so worked up that I have to take Ativan to calm me.
You also need to remember that most medications take some time for a person to feel the full effects from them, usually weeks, sometimes longer.