I'm new to Healing Well .com and my main area of concern is depression and bipolar. I have been on anti-depressants (SSRI) for 11 years and have taken a wide variety of them. Recently I have had severe mood swings with extremely high "highs" and extremely low "lows"; the lows have even brought about thoughts of suicide. Thankfully I have a great husband and a good family doctor...which brings me to my recent visit to a psychiatrist. He suggested that bipolar may be the problem and prescribed Lamictal and Tofranil (this is a tricyclic class anti-depressant not a SSRI). My concern is...from what I read they usually only keep you on Lamictal for 18 months; my question is what happens then?! I'm really tired of changing meds and always looking for the right combination!! Has anyone been on this combination and has it helped?! Thanks