My daughter just turned 6 years old a month ago, she was prescribed Abilify last week - I am VERY VERY nervous about starting her on this med, but my pediatrician fully belives it is the best treatment for her. In researching the med for kids under 10 - I found this posting, and the website. I feel like I am getting ready to undergo a very long, hard, mysterious journey with her and I feel I need all the support and information I can get. My daughter was diagnosed with severe ADHD in May of 2008, and now recently my pediatrician suspects she has a "mood disorder". I took her to a pediatrict pshychiatrist last week, who pretty much confirmed this, and prescribed Abilify.
She has raging fits at school and at home- not often but are triggered by about 3 scenerios (transitions, losing, not getting a certain color, seat, prize, etc.). These fits are not "typical" for her age - she screams, kicks, scratches, bites, swings her fists, throws her body, hits whoever is near her, etc.
She was put on 2 different stimulant meds for the ADHD that have not worked, she was switched to Stratera 3 weeks ago (a non-simulant), and upon the recommendation of a phsychiatrist is now put on Abilify, along with the Stratera - 2mg daily of Abilify. My head is spinning- I am not sure if it is the right thing, if she is being mediacated too quickly, etc. My mother is bi-polar - she refused to take any medication - that is another story for another day... So it would not be far-fetched for her to have a mood disorder
Any insight is greatly appreciated