Yes most of the turmoil stays behind closed doors. Except the last huge manic episode of mine last year...when I basically went on a spending spree for months. My social life is basically just going along with my husband to his social engagements. Although now I have opened up more and allowed more people in, which feels good. My BP over the years has caused me to allienate almost all of my friends. Not for particular things I did, but because of my own inner struggle and shame...I just shut people out. It was almost like i had no idea why i felt the way I did and just convinced myself that it was just because I was evil somehow, so I avoided close friendships for "their sake".
When I was first diagnosed it did bother me, the thought of what my family must be saying about me. But since I have come to accept it fully as a medical condition, just like cancer, I have learned to just pity those who do not take the time to fully understand something before casting judgement.