I have a question for the women with BP/husbands of a BP sufferer.
Do you/your spouce have severe problems with self esteem & insecurities about looks & appearance. I am just curious if this is common for someone with BP to have this. I know it is a typical female thing (no offence meant) but with my wife it seems to go way beyond that. There are times where she will just start crying & going on about how fat & ugly she is. The reason I am wondering if it is linked to her BP, is because according to her, the reason she feels this way is all my fault. She even told me one time it was my fault she was overweight! I am always being told how I don't compliment her enough (i do all the time) & I am always judging her because of her weight (I have NEVER said anything about her weight.) & she knows I am checking out other women & wishing I was with them. Usually this passed easily, but sometimes she will start in personally attacking me verbally (another reason I think it may be linked) & will escelate from there. I usually just go in the other room when she starts with the attacks, sometimes it works & sometimes it fuels the fire. Her mother has told me she has always been like this since her early teens & I know she has been like this since we have been together, no matter what her weight was.
Anyway, just wondering if this is something common or not.