Dear Ever,
I understand completely. My partner doesn't agree with my meds either. When we first got together he told me so, and I quit all my meds (safely and slowly) and after a few months I relapsed so hard I didn't know what happened. So I remember that, and when he brings up his "solid points against the meds" I point that out everytime. Since I've been back on meds at least I am better than I was.
Just remember that you are in charge of you. And that you are doing what you believe is right for your health. Honestly, these partners who talk so much about the meds etc...I'd like to see them last one week in our condition. Isn't that awful of me? Oh well, I mean it. Maybe then they would get some perspective!
I too take Clonazepam for the anxiety, irritability. It works like a dream for me. Sometimes I feel a little buzzed when I take it, but I just take it easy and feel the calmness it brings. It helps me, and I am thankful for that. I dont' take it everyday, just as I need it. Are you taking it daily?
Anyway, hope you feel better soon.