Hi there,
My name is Dianne and my husband is bipolar and has had extreme bipolar episodes in his past years. He's been locked up and hospitalized and psychoanalyzed and put in counselling groups, etc etc.
I'm new here and I want to introduce myself slowly and carefully so I don't hurt anybody's feelings.
The thing with us is that we're not in trouble anymore... my husband is basically stable. The other thing is we didn't accomplish that with drugs. We used alternative meds.
I'll just leave it at that for now, waiting to see if anybody is interested to know such things... You're so welcome to see our website where we'd like to let all the bipolar people in the world know that complementary and alternative meds can change your life--give you a life.
In friendship,
Dianne Hansen
{Hi Dianne, had to remove your web address because it vioilates Forum Rule #4:
4. No advertising or links to advertising or "Spam" is permited (including signatures).
* Advertising or Spam is defined as posting a link for the purpose of selling, soliciting or promoting by someone that has ownership or other "vested interest" to the web site involved, including efforts to promote other online forums or web sites by web site owners.
* If you are a web site owner and have a link that fits into this category that you want to share, please submit it to our resource directory and we will review your submission.
* Posts and links about
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* Only links to personal home pages are allowed in signatures and member profiles. Links must be appropriate and abide by rules #1-4 or they will be removed.
* Links to helpful web sites (commercial or otherwise) are allowed when they are posted by someone without any "vested interest" AND whose purpose is NOT to solicit, advertise, promote, fundraise, etc.
Post Edited By Moderator (serafena) : 3/15/2009 5:23:51 PM (GMT-6)