I don't know how I feel. There are some days when I feel really strong and good about
things and happy to get some stability back into mine and my kids' lives. Have a more peaceful home and not have to walk on egg shells - but the other part of me is scared to death. Especially b/c he'll be home all this weekend packing and stuff. My oldest knows what is going on, and you know what he said to me the other day? "Mom, if Dad leaves, then it won't be all about
him anymore, right?"
I mean, how heart wrenching is THAT? But also, he's excited to spend weekends with his Dad where it will just be one on one time together. I think it will be hard to actually watch him pack and leave, i mean, he is still my husband - but we're going to continue with counselling and stuff and maybe he'll come back??? Or, maybe i'll be able to move on? I am hoping for a reconciliation - but then again, maybe we'll work better apart and can still be married? Just because we don't live under the same roof doesn't mean we can't be happily married, right?