Thanks for the reply. The advertising on my site earns me $1 every three days or so. I am disabled, so every little bit helps.
But the main point of my site is to fight bipolar stigma through education, and to provide a hub for people to start from, similar to matt Drudge and the drudgereport. It uses the same methodoogy that he employs, except it is 100% devoted to bipolar disorder. I am, after all, a news junkie and I have bp. So, I just married the two. I update it constantly.
If someone sees some Google adsense ads, so be it.
I invited Healing Well - bp forum on the site as well as the main healing well site. I have a list of bp sites as well as a list of forums. You have one of the better forums out there so I hope it continues to grow members.
In short, keep the spammers out, yes! However, keep fellow fighters in the struggle in!! ;)
Until the administrator makes a decision, your signature as well as your member name are against the Forum Rules as Serafena has said. You have a 'vested interest' in your website.
Post Edited By Moderator (LanieG) : 10/9/2009 6:20:53 AM (GMT-6)