I never slept that night and I stayed up all day yesterday. Last night though I slept for about
9 hours, I did not want to get up this morning but it is my younger daughter's 9th birthday!!
We will have to see about
tonight though.......
Oh get this my current behavioral doctor wants me to go back and finish my intensive out patient program. I did not finish the program because I felt worse going to the group therapy and I told my doctor that and she did not care she said that that her practice could not give me the therapy that I needed which is at least 3x's a week. I haven't even seen a theraphist there to evalute me..... I have medicaid and there is only a few places I can go to.... Hopefully my reg. medical doctor can help me with the medication part, but I dont know about
the therapy, I know I need to speak with someone but not 3x's a week. I'm going through a divorce right now.
Sorry for this thread I just needed to vent!!!!!
Have a good night everyone
Post Edited By Moderator (serafena) : 1/21/2010 8:53:30 AM (GMT-7)