Hello, well I just needed to get this out somewhere -- I feel so deflated and am hating myself. DH and I have been married 13 years, we have always had financial issues, we have always made decent money but somehow always fell short. when I look back we buy/bought allot of crap... well, I am a spender. I like to shop, not big ticket item, were talking salvation army, thrift stores. I do shop excessively though.
Well, this is the 2nd time in 1 1/2 years our power was shut off.... I seriously thought I had until Friday... My DH was so mad and screaming at me!!!! Keeping in mind we now have our own accounts (his choosing) I am on umemployment and bring home 300 a week. I am a full time nursing student though...
with $300 a week I am to pay for CC debt, water, power, cell phone, internet, car payment ($330), dog supplies (2 large dogs), groceries - we always eat in, and anything other household items.
So, bills about $900, then $300 left for groceries.
now my husband... brings home $1200 bi-weekly after taxes so about $2,500 monthly.I up until march ALWAYS made 45000 k .. so this is tough for me. but also his only responsibilities are house payment 1,200, car insurance 135, = $1300...well rather than just dragging this out... sometimes I need to take money from his account to pay a bill - or like today the power was shut off as I am playing a close balancing act... I cannot talk to him het becomes outraged... he calls me names like liar, thief, LAtely I have been trying to hard to do it all right... I just feel like throwing up my hands.. I don't know what to do. He does not ,. not want to manage all the money. We did that once, it was ugly and he does not want to ne my "Keeper" I could go on and on... please.... does this stuff happen to anyone else? what do you do? AM I fighting an endless battle? Do I need to just end it all now? I'm tired of feeling this way. someone please give some suggestions...