Hey there, anger for me comes when i am hypomanic and tired. Its a very very bad combo for me because i can lose my normally mellow demenor and completely lose it. I have from time to time letely taken one of my wifes zanex to help calm me down. I have to take about one a month, sometimes a whole month and a half between useage.
Normally hypomanias are very good to me, but anger, cheating, dark thoughts signal a slip into true mania. Than i hit up my meds for an extra pill for a couple of days and that normally brings me right back to control.
Keep up the good work, i dont know if i would have had your strenght to face this at your age. Its been hard enough finding this out at age 39. But really you need to get to a doc sooner than later. This desease is a very very sneaky little bugger and it can have you completely out of control before you know it.
Just be carefull with this beast little one, it has many differnt faces and can strike very very fast.