Hello, I guess that I am not supposed to use my real name, so, you can call me just for me. I am married although not happily. I have 3 children of my own and they are 20, who is in prison, 15, and as of sunday 7-11-10, she will be 13. I also have 4step-children, ages, 21, 20,17,and 13. I have bi-polar disorder, OCD and post tramatic stress disorder, I have medicine and I do not like to take it. I live in an abusive relationship that very few people know about
and I am afraid all the time, even worse, I am afraid to leave. I need some help and the only friend that I can really talk to about
this is a guy and he wants to be more then friends, so you can guess what he is telling me to do. Any advise would be greatly appreciated and will be truly taken to heart, because you people will probably understand me more then anyone else, because you live with some of the same problems.
Thanks Me