Hi, I'm Cathey. I was diagnosed bipolar couple of years ago. At one time, I was put into the hospital for some medication adjustment. I was VERY upset about
being there and kept asking them questions and I think I was really irritating them. They immediately put me on Seraquel (sp?). Same as you, just like a zombie. When I wasn't asleep, I could not think right,......just useless. After going thru alot of trial medicines, my psychiatrist noticed all the negative side affects I was having on most of the anti-psychotic and told me that I could not tolerate ANY anti-psychotic drugs at all and that was the last of that. I was put on lithium which work great for me EXCEPT for one BIG problem,.........WEIGHT GAIN!!!!!!!! I have gained about
55 pounds since I have been on lithium. I am know myself doing research on the internet (here, for one) to try and find something else. Tell your doctor, or call your emergency room, or call your nearest mental heath center and SHOUT OUT,.....I DO NOT WANT THI MEDICINE! IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE SH_T! Don't take it if YOU don't want to . You don't have to. If someone tries to force u to take it, get to the nearest phone and call the police. They will be able to direct to the proper mental health help!