Thanks for the help and advice, but the decision has been made for me. He packed some stuff up and left last night. He feels that it is best for all of us that he just go away, I'm not sure what that means, but he's gone. Before he left, he was talking about
how he thinks we'd all be better off without him, we wouldn't have to deal with his problems, his negativity. I don't know if that means for good, divorce, what. Maybe he's right. He has lost hope of a good outcome to his trial, he doesn't want to go to prison but has no faith in an honest justice system. I guess at this point all I can do is take one day, one hour at a time and deal with what needs to be dealt with at the moment. I'm a helper by nature, and maybe I just can't help him anymore. Maybe that's part of my self esteem issues, I'm a failure because I can't fix him. I'm not sure what, if anything, should be said to the kids, but I know there will be questions about
where dad is. I'll try to update, if and when I can. If you have faith, pray that I'll be able to handle this and find my way. Thanks again all.