I have been married to my wife for 15 years, we have an 11 year old son. A little background, we married when I was 30 and she was 37. Her mother is bipolar, been taking lithium and other drugs for over 25 years.
My wife declared bankruptcy right before we were married. She is still not good with handling money, I will comment more on that later. She had multiple partners before we met, never having a relationship that lasted more than 2 years, some much shorter. She knows how to make a man feel like they are the most important thing to her. This was very seductive to me, I fell for her rather quickly. We were married less than a year after we met. She was living back at home with her parents when we met when she was 36. She had been living in another state right before that and had to come home because of severe financial distress and she was in a bad relationship she had to get out of. She had moved around the country alot in her single life, she had many different jobs, and many different relationships. Her dream was to become a model and actress and she was getting in over her head financially pursuing that dream. When we met, I thought she was ready to settle down and get on with being a wife and mother. I had a business at the time we met, still do, and she happily joined and worked in the business. I noticed a significant change in her about 4 or 5 years ago. She started to become very moody, distant and cold. This left me very fearful about our relationship and I tried to control the situation. The more contol I started to exert, the more she pulled away. So I let her have her space and I thought that might help. It did not. She had the idea that I was the bad guy. When she was with her friends, she was the life of the party, everyone loved her. With me, I was what was wrong in her life and she was as cold as ice, despondent and angry. She then complained bitterly that she had to do the business with me, a wholesale jewelry business that was easy and successful. She told me that she felt like a slave to the business and she was going to pursue a writing carreer. She was going to change the world she said and write a movie script about the lost city of Atlantis and its ancient teachings. Her belief system is pretty far out there, much too involved to explain in this posting. Before I met her, she once belonged to a cult that believed that you can have physical immortality. I thought that strange belief systems was also behind her when we met. I was wrong. The latest with her is that she sees spirtual orbs and they are communicating with her through unique symbols that are only revealed to her. A couple of years ago, she thought she was the reincarnation of Nefertetes of ancient Egypt. She actually went to Egypt by herself just to prove it to herself. I have seen the symptoms of bipolar diorder and it seems she has some of them. For instance, one of the symptoms is having a grandiose view of oneself and having delusional thoughts of doing great things. Well, her pursuing her modeling and acting while finacially suffering because of it seems to fit that desciption. Also, her idea that she is going to change the world with a movie script, even though she had never even been published, with a movie that in her words will be bigger than Avatar. And she has spent at least 15,000 dollars pursuing that dream. When I told her that was enough and the movie might not happen, I told her to be realistic: she gets very angry at me and tells me that I don't support her and that she does not love me because I don't understand her. I am trying to be realistic and practical and she labels me as an unbeliever in her mind. Almost like a cult, "You don't believe it totally, so I discard you" This is all very hurtful. I want nothing more than to love my wife and she makes it very difficult to do that. She is constantly on the computer talking with friends and strangers too that are interested in her movie project. She will open up and talk about the problems in our relationship with women and men that she just met online. She had at least one emotional affair with a man that I found out about.
I feel so alone. I know she would never go for any treatment. When I brought it up that she might have what her mom has, bipolar disorder, she vehemently denied it and again, got very angry with me.
I would like to hear anybodys advice in this matter. What are your thoughts about her being bipolar? I don't think that time is going to make things any better. She has talked divorce many times and I know that is most likely inevitable, but I am afraid of putting our son into the primary care of someone who is not stable. I had the advice of many people to fight for custody in the event of divorce, but my son and my wife have a close bond, probably closer than between me and my son right now. That may change as he gets older. If our son was a late teenager, I think a divorce would be an easy call. But I would still have alot of sadness with that since I see down deep why I fell in love with her. I think her illness covers up alot of that. This all makes me very sad. I would like confirmation here that what is going on with my wife is a form of mental illness. If anyone feels it is not, please let me know that as well. And if this is a form of bipolar disorder, would medication help these feelings she has that I am the bad guy because I don't support her delusions of grandeur, and her delusional thoughts of doing grandiose things and being famous one day. I believe that this is all set in stone in her mind. I don't think a pill can change these patternistic thoughts. Any advice or thoughts that anyone might have would be appreciated.
Thank you.