Hey there: I just wanted to say you're not alone. A couple of weeks ago, as I was under tremendous stress with a capital S, I would see odd little irregularities off to the right of my visual field. It would be like a raven flying over, or a movement, like a deer in the woods off to the side of the road. I wasn't on any medication for BiPolar at that time. Since then I've gotten to see a pdoc and am on medication. I'm like an Indigo Child. For example, I know when someone close to me is going to pass on before they actually do. I usually dream about
their passing but sometimes I see them walking or driving past me. I don't tell too many people cause I'm afraid they'll think I'm nuts. Ironic eh? I've always been super tuned in to other's emotional signals. I can tell an angry, or sad or lost person from quite a distance. I'm just tuned that way. So, don't be afraid, just keep in touch with your support people.