Hi all. i did a search in the forum but can't find the exact side effect I'm experiencing. I'm on 1200mg lithium, 100mcg levothyroxine, 5mg abilify. i recently weaned off of 300mg Seroquel (not xr) with doc's supervision. I've Bern off of Seroquel for two months.
ok, so,started abilify 2 weeks ago. other "normal" side effects I've been tolerating well. That is, if I'm ok with never sleeping again. :/ the one side effect that is kicking my butt is the feeling of dropping after i sit down. i can handle the "blurry"feeling i have, which goes away after a couple hours.
this feeling of dropping is NOT proceeded by feeling faint. when i sit or lie down,i feel like I'm in an elevator that's falling. sorry this was a lengthy post, but this could be a deal breaker for me. any comments concerning similar experiences are appreciated. Thx.