I've done alot of complaining lately about
my situation and the way I deal with things. Sometimes I forget just how good I have it.
We've had some serious financial challenges lately compounded by my dental issues and my 5 yr. olds dental problems as well. Poor kid. I started brushing his gums before he had teeth. I brush his teeth still. I don't think he does a good job on his own. He never had a bottle, he was breastfed exclusively, and still he had been plagued with tooth decay. Our (insurance selected) dentist couldn't get near him. He'd curl into a ball and shriek. The guy truly isn't good with kids. So he insisted we take him to a Pediodontist. Okay, I already have a good one for my 13 year old but she has insurance through my 1st husband and the guy wont take the HMO junk we have. He's gotta go right? So they clean his teeth and my husband lets them take impressions because he thinks they'll take the insurance (which really isn't more than a discount program) and that will cover the spacers(No). $600.00 for spacers. We don't have that. I feel bad because my daughter got her braces and I can't do the ortho for my son but her dad put the $5000.00 in her mouth. My husband made the appt. for the spacers.(Still under the impression that we had insurance) I called and cancelled the appt. Kept the one for the four fillings but there was no way to do both.
This is one of the best pediodontists in the area. This guy has dealt with my older girls forever. When he found out that I'd cancelled the appt because we had no real insurance he immediately reinstated the appt and had his office call me back to tell me the appliances would be put in at no charge. Said he wouldn't have those teeth shifting.
Now when I was a kid, my mother would never have taken a "handout" like that. She was too proud. Thats why we went without food for days at a time and sometimes missed school because she was afraid I"d faint and the state would find out. I learned early on that for the kid you swallow your pride and do what you must. I don't call this a handout but a blessing. When things are at their worst, something good always comes through for us.
I get depressed and so busy seeing all the difficulties I have to overcome, I become blind to the paths that have opened up before me. My life might be challenged with financial and medical issues but I still consinder myself blessed. Things could be so much worse. For the most part I have a good life. I'm surrounded by everything, and everyone, that is most important to me. What else could I ask for? Even when the BP is at it's worst and I feel like all is lost, God has never abandoned me.
I know, kind of a lengthy post, but I really felt the need to share that. We've all had so many difficulties lately. It just seems like if you hang on just a little while, the rainbow might be just around the corner.