I'm sorry I deal with this every day. It's probably something with your insurance. If you are suppose to have insurance, you can pay cash for some of your medicine and be re-imbursed later, when everything is determined with your insurance.
I know it seems cruel, however medications do cost money and there are things in place to provide you with them. I would call the pharmacy or go to a different pharmacy and see what they can work out with you.
I have to deny people medication all the time, but I do offer them options ( i.e. calling doc to switch the meds to something affordable, setting them up with drug compainies to recieve the meds, having them pay cash letting them know their options)
I'm sorry you are having trouble with it but I would call them or another pharamcy to see what you can do about
your medicaiton. And I'm sorry if your only option is to pay cash for them and be reimbursed later when things get figured out, but sometimes that's just how it is.
Also if it's a refill too soon because of a medication increase, you need to have your doctor write another prescription. The pharmacies will not adjust the situation without a new prescription becausee if they get audited by the insurance compainies they will not get paid.