I am sitting writing in my journal and decide to try and express what I feel---so many times I feel like people just listen to me to appease me--they don't hear me, they don't feel the depth of the big black hole I feel like I am being swallowed by. They don't understand that starting some days are like trying to climb out the a big black hole and just survive minute by minute...even though tons of people are around and everyone sees my smile--it is all a big distraction---my life goes smoothly as long as I have some type of big distraction---work, spa parties which I host,,,,anything to keep me from being alone with myself, my head, my thoughts.............and when I can't get away from it and fight it all week,,,I do whatever I have to to escape--to just get some relief!!! Maybe I am an alcoholic,,,,,maybe I am, but if these people knew how my head was going constantly and the moods swinging,,,you know what I am talking about
---if they had to fight all this crap,,,they'd drink too...That is when I am someone else--someone who doesn't care and has no inhibitions..
Anyway, I am rambling
Here is what I wrote--if you can relate, if you really hear me and understand, if you have time, please let me know some of your related struggles--I feel so alone and stupid right now--I just wan this to STOP
No one hears me, no one understands
they sit and listen, give advice, and try to make a plan
A plan to fix it, to make it stop, to make it go away
But did they really hear me--NO--they have no idea what I say
The emptiness, the loneliness, the irrational despair, there are no words or pictures,
that truly voice despair
Just do it, perserve some say, others offer prayer , some offer encouragement-their own life experiences shared
All have great intentions. I know this in my heart.
So could someone PLEASE tell me why I doubt and feel so far?
Far away from loved ones, locked in this small black cage.
Begging to be free,,,to escape this lonely hell,
But wanting more than anything to be HEARD and UNDERSTOOD well.....
Sassie and Sad