let me second what cap told you. your behavior sounds like bp but only a trained professional psychiatrist (pdoc) can diagnose you for sure.
i went through the suicide thing. i had attempted suicide 8 times by the time i was 20. noone ever knew - i hid the scars well. when i was in my 50s, in 2002 i believe it was, i had a botched epidural steroid injection for my back pain and my pain went through the roof. i couldn't stand the pain any more, took out all my pain pills, and started taking them one bottle at a time. fortunately, my wife stopped me and took me to my gp (general practictioner) dr. he sent me immediately to a pdoc who started me on meds and eventually diagnosed me as bp.
you said something that concerns me. do you have bpo meds now that you're not taking? if so, it is a slow and painful way to oblivion that i wouldn't wish on my first wife, well maybe. nah. finding the right mix of meds and the correct dosages is a slow process. the meds may take as much as a year to take full effect. mine took effect almost immediately - but then again, i'm not normal. the other thing is that you will probably find that your meds need "tweaking" occationally as your illness progresses and as you progress in handling it and also as your moods shift.
i beliueve that you need a referral to a pdoc from your gp in the uk. rosie will probably cover that for you and it's been about 25 yrs since i lived there, so i've forgotten a lot of the details. if she comes on, dj can also tell you. rosie and dj are both english ladies. we get a fair amount of brits here. reminds me of home.
anger. yes. i've had anger problems almost all my life. most people who know me now would never believe this, but when i was much younger i used to get into fights all the time. funny thing was i "won" - whatever that means - almost all the time. of course the 4 nd 5 yr olds that i was fighting . . . . . not really. it was a bad time for me. i was angry at the world - with the universe! i turned that anger inward when i attempted suicide. not a good place to be. but i survived it and i have every confidence that you will, too.
enough of my rant on your rant. keep in touch, see a pdoc, and ALWAYS take the meds.