hey cap, rosie, sky.
great to see my old frineds back and to meet a new friend.
cap and i never talked about this before, but when i was MUCH younger, i was exactly like him: i preyed on girls with low self-esteem, who thought they were ugly, etc. it's funny, but i, too, got angry when one of these girls would approach me for more than a one-night-stand. but i was a god and they were thralls and i coulld do with them whatever i wanted whenever i wanted. i, too, got lucky. i found a woman who accepted me, baggage and all, and we've been together about 35 yrs.
sky, i was lucky. back in the 60s the worst thing we could think of was some girl getting pregnant. stds consisted of ailments that were very treatable with pennecylen. today things are much more dangerous. premiscuity today can be fatal. all i'm saying is if bp makes you want sex, then have it but for god's sakes BE CAREFUL!
funny. they call a male like what cap and i were "bon vivants" or "men around town." they call women who display exactly the same behavior by more ugly names. society very often sucks.
i wish yoiu love and luck on you path to discovering just how beautiful, special, and valuable you really are.