well, here's what I think - if you like your therapist now, I'd say keep going to her, if not, you are 18 now, so you can find your own - I went to Social Services and they hooked me up with the County Mental Health - some can be good, others just seem like they don't care - it's really all trail and error - but I would say definately need to talk to someone..
As far as the "mom" thing goes, I feel ya on that - I am the 4th of 4 girls, and by the time it got to raising me, my mom didn't care anymore - literally gave custody of me to one of my older sisters when I was 11 - Have SERIOUS issues with her too..
Anyway, now you have us here - we're always here to listen and vent to - One thing I've learned in just my short couple of days here, is that it makes me feel better to just think I may be helping someone else out..
Take care and God Bless