I'm up to 75 mg of lamictal every day and I feel no different. Actually I think I'm worse.
Wednesday I woke up fine, then a couple of hours later I was very agitated. I felt like I was going to explode. Then I was crying uncontrollably for about a few hours. Then completely full of rage. Then balling again. Finally I calmed down. I was still on edge but not screaming then crying. What the h*** is going on. My poor husband was freaked out.
How can I go through all of this in one day? It's been off & on like this since I started Lamictal.
Yesterday was the same version of Wednesday except alot milder. I was able to contain myself because I had to go to work.
Today work again, fine but a really bad headache. On edge. I'm home now. I hate this. I'm so miserable. I'm so tired of feeling this way.
I have a social engagement this evening where I must be witty, friendly & professional. It's hard to be this miserable at home then have to immediately put on a happy face. Ahhhhhh!
When will this medicine start to work. I'm so dissapointed. I have no side effects except that it's not working.
Sorry this is so long. I appreciate any advice Please.