alotlikecherry said...
Hi and welcome.
What kind of experiences have you gone through with this person? Spiritual? Changes mind constantly?
Well the relationship was perfect for about a month, things actually went pretty slow, (slow for me anyway) but they progressed very fast as far as talks about the future, "oh I miss you so much when I don't get to see you" and she was very consistantly with calling me about the same exact times each day, and even text messaging me almost every morning a "good morning sweety". We connected right away, she acted like she wanted to see me all the time, she was planning weekend trips places, and we were very comfortable around each other. We had even gotten to the point where on the weekend we would just sit around and listen to music and talk about everything under the sun and cuddle and go to sleep. We had sex about 3 weeks into it, and it was very good, very romantic. She lit candles, put on music. But right afterwards, she began talking about marriage and having babies, that her biological clock was ticking. And she could see herself having children with me, etc. She asked a very odd question though, she kept asking "what would you do if I got pregnant?" "would you run out on me?" "would you be willing to spend your life with me" almost like trap questions, I almost felt like any answer wouldn't be the right one, it really put me on the spot. (That was the first time I really felt like she might have some commitment issues or something in the past she hadn't told me.)
Well one weekend was a little off, she acted weird, kinda distant, extra moody, and as if she didn't want to see me, or was very interested in what i had to say, or even seeing me at all. As if she was having second thoughts in other words. Well she kept saying "let's hang out this night, I don't feel well." And when that night would roll around she would break plans and say "i'm tired I think i'm going to bed early, I'm having a bad headache."
Well things went downhill from there, we saw each other a few times after that, then the phone calls started dwendling and then completely stopped.
I tried calling a few times, left messages and to no avail.
I finally text messaged her "is it over" then she replied and said, "i've been really busy at work, i'm not ignoring you"
well an entire weekend went by after that without one phone call or text message. And then i started getting worried that maybe there was another guy or something, i was desperately trying to pin her down with some direct answers as to what happened and why stop in communication.
I finally had to resort to calling one of her friends that I hardly knew for answers. Well that was the straw that broke the camel's back. The friend "played dumb" acted like she hadn't really talked to my girlfriend in a while, and when she did that she hadn't let on like anything was wrong. Well I apologized for bothering her and hung up the phone. Well ironically one day later my girlfriend ended up calling me and we had an excellent conversation. But the next day my girlfriend went to dinner with that friend and of course the friend confessed that I had called.
Well my girlfriend called me not really in a temper, but not pleased that I had called friend. She said that she didn't think she wanted to be in a relationship anymore and that she still wanted to talk to me and hang out with me, but really need a break. Well we've talked on the phone twice since then. And that has been about 3 weeks ago. I'm heartbroken. I had a lot invested in the relationship in a short time, I really had my hopes up that this was the one. She made me feel soemthing I haven't felt in years. I'm not sure what to do, she did call me last weekend and said she wanted to see me, but then she broke plans twice and hasn't called since.
Now with all this said she never once mentioned the fact that she had bi-polar. She had made comments about a doctor a few times. "oh i have to call my doctor, theres soemthing wrong with my medicine, I think I need new medicing." but she told me it was for headaches.
I would say it was right after that I noticed she was becoming uninterested and very lethargic and tired all the time. It was through a co-worker of hers that has known her for years that told a mutual friend of mine that she was bi-polar. So thats how I found out.
Now my question is, I'm just not sure what to do, should I let her know I still care about her and let it go. Or move on or see if she tries to contact me again and try and let her somehow know she's bipolar. I know that would be very touchy, as she obviously doesn't tell many people about it.
She also told me she's only been in 2 other relationships before this one. and also that she'd been single for 6 years before she met me, and in the last relationship she had gotten hurt really bad.
I'm not if that was a sure indication or not, but nonetheless think its relevant maybe.