Below are the common symptoms of bipolar illness. What type of symptoms did you have to make the pdoc diagnose you? If you feel uncomfortable taking your meds or having no change in your mood, you should definetly discuss it with your doc. You do not want to keep taking meds, if you are not feeling better. I also wanted to let you know that some meds take from a few days to over a month to start working.
I have taken zyprexa (10mg) in the past for a little over a month, it made me sleep too much (14-16 hrs), but I didn't gain too much weigh (like 10-12 lbs over the 1 month+ I took it), but I didn't reallize it was mostly water weight till after taking it. So hang in there, and contact your pdoc, or talk to a pharmacy about it.
- Feeling very irritable or angry
- Thinking and talking so fast that other people can't follow your thoughts
- Not sleeping at all
- Feeling very powerful and important
- Having trouble concentrating
- Spending too much money
- Abusing alcohol and drugs
- Having sex without being careful to prevent pregnancy or disease
Other signs of depression may include the following:
- No interest or pleasure in things you used to enjoy, including sex
- Feeling sad or numb
- Crying easily or for no reason
- Feeling slowed down, or feeling restless and irritable
- Feeling worthless or guilty
- Change in appetite; unintended change in weight
- Trouble recalling things, concentrating or making decisions
- Headaches, backaches or digestive problems
- Problems sleeping, or wanting to sleep all of the time
- Feeling tired all of the time
- Thoughts about death and suicide