Karma_11 said...
Deep poem. Very well written, also very sad and lonely. Is this how you feel about the world when your bi-polar hits? The Struggle might be a good name for your poem. That's what it sounds like to me. Wonting to be one way when you feel another? Keep up your writting, for tomorrows another day towards the freedom of depression.
Thanks Karma :)
It actually didn't start off from depression, I was hypomanic on starting it, but it did manage to bring me down into a depression as it was being written.
There was music on in the room and the image of a clown juggling came into my head and I just thought i'd write it down, but unfortunately the bright image associated with a clown turned a bit darker as it went on.
Learning2deal said...
"The Silent Noise" or "The Extravagant Storm" or "The Raging Line" (Line being like line of work or profession)
I really like The Raging Line, there's more to that title than meets the eye. I also thought "Contradiction At The Crossroads" because it's full of contradictions. A title doesn't really matter I suppose, it's just theraputic to write it down, ya know?