Hi Olivia,
How are you doing today? Are your other meds helping you to get through until Monday? So you went to the doctor and he prescribed a new med for you. Well, sometimes we have to go on that route. I'm sorry the Abilify didn't work out for you, but I am glad that you caught it very early and stood on top of the situation! I know how you feel. I too have been changed to so many meds! The anxiety of what side effects it may bring but all the hope that this new med might be the one that finally works!
That's how the last 3-4 months have been for me. We AGAIN had to try a new med, Trileptal. I think it is a good choice for me, but it's hard to tell because I had so many stress issues to deal with soon after it was prescribed for me. So I had to wait until all that passed. Then my crohns and some type of flu bug hit me good and that in itself has put a new direction on my moods! Now I also had to go back onto my steriods due to my crohns and that will leave me in another new situation with my B/P.
I hope this new med will help you with all that you are going through. We all hate being in that stage of waiting to see if the meds will work or give us some type of side effects that we can't deal with.
I hope all goes well for you. I know you need to get to a better place. Especially with trying to stay in tune for school. How's it going with finding a new therapist? I think once you find one that you really "CLICK" with, that will help you so much too. Well you have all of our support here too so keep posting!!!!
(((((Hugs to You)))))