Drugs are something I definitaly have not closed the door on, but am seeing no Physical proof. Missing money, drug parafanalia or even consitency to the way he's acting.
When he gets fidgety and leaves I generally don't see him till the next day or a few days but he is going home to his parents house and not out. He dosn't stay awake for days but he sleeps very irregularily.. Lately he has been sleeping SOOOO much.... In bed by 8am and up for 7 at work napping alot on weekends.
Alergy medicine..... YES!!!! (No vicks, or eye drops) I even called the drug addiction line about this and they said it was nothing to worry about... but he always has a Allergys.
* Moody and negative, always has something negative to say about everything, he even "hates" what used to be our closest friends.
*He goes through days where he is talkative and will spend hours rambling on about a tv show or a sports game and then days where he is alone and won't talk to anyone.
*He is mostly alone but when he goes out he generally is gone overnight
* He eats, but not like he used to
*Spends money like crazy (but all on useless stuff)
*Talks suicide when he's trying to manipulate me
*Crys often
* somedays is "daddy of the year" and then goes a week without seeing them or even asking about them.
I am at a lost. I am in wait mode and just trying to move on with my life. I just wish I could understand. I read in another post about how Needs ADvice sorta tricked his wife into councelling and I could try that, but I really think the first step is the Dr. and if it is drugs that would show up in bloodwork right (They won't do hair testing here as suggested earlier). If he was a women I could physically drag him there....
I read the posts from the other spouses and I often am nodding like it's my storey, yeah he does that... But the key diffrence is beside a few minor depressions this just appeared...
SOme more background and A few more things that happened pre-january
* I had a new baby and was having some baby blues and aimed some unwarrented frustrations at him
* I had a fall with our new born and he got a broken leg and was in a full body cast for a month
* our two year old was suffering from Night terrors and severe growing pains so we were stressed from that
*our baby needed surgery and had this a week after coming out of his cast ( A birth defect and planned surgery)
* he was turned down for healthcare cause f a previus illness
All this stuff led up to one big explossion where I accused him of having an affair, hence my thinking this could have been triggered....