Hello Serafina, no I'm not offended or upset. I understand I rambled. I just wrote an explanatory reply and accidentally closed the window and lost it, now don't want to write it all again, so I'll respond, but not explain in any detail. I can see how you feel confused - I'm confused. Basically, my GP sent me to see two different psychiatrists at two differeent clinics thinking it would be a one-on-one regular, doctor/patient scenarion. Neither he nor I knew that in both cases, these psychiatrists were part of a DBT team. Both told me I didn't fit their criteria and would not accept me, not the other way round. It is true that I do not like behaviouristic models, but that is a side issue that made some interractions uncomfortable, but if push came to shove, I'd consider trying it. It was a third psychiatrist, that the group in the second clinic arranged for me to see for a medication review, to help me out since I had been needing this to happen since I left my former psychiatrist in June. I have never gone back to her and never will. It was this 3rd doc that told me about her having her license pulled a number of times, validating my decision to leave her care after 7 years of trying to make it work. He also said it was a good thing that the DBT people had turned me away because the way he sees things, his orientation and experience is that they would eat someone like me alive. It's not a good mix, truama work and DBT. that is why I was refused at the clinics, because of the therapy I've been doing for ten years.
As far as my diagnosis, it is and it isn't important. I a focus is made on bi-polar to the exclusion of DID, it will hurt me. Expectations about what i am able to take control of behaviour wise, are different. I'm going through thiis blip with my psychologist of 10 years, right now. Yesterday was a very hard and frustrating experience for both of us as we try to negotiate our needs and expectations from each other.
Where i live, leaving your psychiatrist is a huge deal. there is no shopping around. what i meant about seeing this new person is that the referral has just gone in and i don't even know yet if he's taking new patients or even if he'd agree to see me if he was. I'm told i'm complicated with having so many diagnoses. I'm at a point where i don't care anymore if a new pdoc even beleives in DID - some don't - but was told that if a doc felt uncomfortable with the diagnosis, he or she is not likely to agree to take me as a patient. The hospital where this new doc practises, has had a reputation in the past for not believing in DID, as they are mostly pschoanalysts. I don't know how much stock I put in that, I just recognize that I'm highly unlikely, if you consider probabilities, that this new fellow would be anything like the one I saw for the medevaluation. He was awesome and he was retiring. Too bad for me, that's the way it is here. It's all a crap shoot. I hope this has made things clearer, although you may still say the same things to me about my diagnosis. That's okay. I'm still reeling from all this running to one and the other places for assessments that have been very difficult to manage and I am likely to settle down some over the next week. Still, I feel very vulnerable and scared, mostly about the time it is taking when I am in the throes of a major depressive episode. It started coming on last February, so yes, I've been in and out of crisis and this has been a source of frustration for my psychologist because of the emotionally out-of-control phone calls to her by scared child alters. DID gets worse with depression, so naturally, I've been erratic and made some poor choices in trying to stay safe. that's my story in a little clearer form, I hope. All this comes from being scared. I don't have a lot of faith or hope. My life experiences have made that very hard for me. I don't go there usually, at all. right now, I kind of have to as I seek appropriate medical care. I'm determined to work things out with my psychologist. We made a big step yesterday even if it was painful. I appreciate your honesty Serafina. I asked for input and insight because I can't know exactly how I'm coming across to others. I know my thinking processes are not great right now. I want to do better. Fear can really interfere with good decision-making. I hope you have seen here that I am capable of tolerating imperfect relationships, as I have hung in with my psychologist beyond many instances of conflict of beliefs. I must go now. Again thanks. You listened and that's really important to me.