Hi everyone,
Serafena, thanks for thinking of me. I have not been doing well at all (big surprise). It's really been affecting me this past week. I have muscle tension in my shoulders and neck like I've never experienced before. I am feeling a tremendous amount of stress. It's coming at me from all directions. Home life is stressful with my bf...still so much yelling and anger in arguments. I finally sought counselling for abused women. I don't like the thought, but I just can't stand being yelled at. I'm feeling guilty all the time at home, and deep down I know that's wrong. I'm not doing anything that I should be feeling guilty about. To top it all off, I have been in a depression since before the holidays. I was starting to feel better about a week and a half ago, but then crashed again. I don't think the Lamictal is working yet. I'm just got to 200mg, so we'll see about that. My pdoc has been great. There's also a lot of stress with school right now. And also, I have been overwhlemed with housework. I've tried asking my bf to do some things, but he seems to get really irritated with it, which I don't appreciate.
Throughout this past week, my bf has noticed just how stressed I am and he's tried to be there for me.
It's just all a lot to handle.
Overwhelmed is the best way to describe how I am feeling. I'll post again tomorrow or this week. I appreciate the reach out. I am sorry I've been so quiet lately. I really am here for all of you.
Many hugs,