Hey, I am new in here. For the past six years I have dealt with severe depression and generalized anxiety with minor episodes of bipolar disorder. Through numerous therapy sessions and a countless numbers of drugs, I am on a path towards a healthy recovery... kind of. I am currently a freshman in college and for one of my classes I am writing an in-depth research paper on a subculture that I am a part of. I am doing bipolar disorder. One of the main aspects of this paper is conduct my research through fieldworking; oberservation, interviewing, collecting, and questioning those with the illness. I am exploring characteristics and experiences of those with bipolar disorder. I was just wondering if anyone felt up for it, if they could answer a few questions for me. Please understand that I suffer from the same illness and I don't mean to cause any offense to anyone through posting this or through my paper. I understand manic depression.
Thank you so much! Please remember I don't mean to cause offense to anyone. Just looking for help!
{I edited out your research questions per Rule #5. "No posts regarding research studies, surveys or clinical trials without obtaining prior approval from the forum administrator before posting to the forums." If you want to obtain permission, email our administrator at [email protected]. Or, you can ask people to email you directly. Thanks, serafena.}Post Edited By Moderator (serafena) : 4/16/2008 7:18:51 PM (GMT-6)