Although our illness run very different courses, I had two children while I was quite ill. My firrst was at 14 and he had heart fluctuations that put me a special diet because he was so sensitive to chemicals. I think fear is s real anti-depressant in some ways. It forces you to act. My second was planned. I got pregnant two weeks off meds. Then we suffered until I had to be treated. Then I had ECT. I always bring up ECT because it is the safest and most effective treatment availble for depression, bipolar, & sometimes it works well with schizoprenia in otherwise untreatable cases. Your baby is protected by the placenta because they use drugs that don't cross for muscles relaxants and the anethsia is only used for about
five to ten min. and is safe for all stages of develpoment. The shock will not do a thing to the baby or its brain. Keep written and photo journal if you are worried about
memory loss (I had one session the next day after my daughter was born and I remember both clearly.) Not to mention memory loss is a part of the disease itself. I would ask about
nortiptyline is the safest antidepressant for a preganant woman, trilafon is safe and well tested (its very old) anti-psychotic that bipolar mothers should try first, as is lithium for being considered safe during pregnancy.
nortiptyline, trilafon, and lithium