To start: bp/schizo affective diagnosed years ago, treated and untreated, we meet, after a year he has severe episode, we find GOOD support, GREAT psychiastrist, AMAZING psychotherapist and the right meds (finally). We go to couple's counseling with his therapist and he has one on one sessions with her. Layers of issues in addition to bp, my fiance is a true survivor (adopted, adoptive mother dies, dad remarries, family lives in denial anything ever happened). I am committed to him more now than before his diagnosis and love him with all my heart. I just met with my own therapist for the first time and I'm finding it hard to convey the pity party that's going on in my head. I wish this wasn't our situation, I know we are far ahead of the game, we're learning everything we can about
the illness, my fiance's stressors, med-interaction (no advil w/ lithium, who knew!)...we're just coping day by day. i'm better at the one day at a time thing than my fiance is, so that's hard. Trying to be the cheerleader for the both of us has depleted me. I just want us to be able to maintain stability for as long as we can, recognizing there will be unstable days in the mix.
Just poking around this board to figure out whether there are other spouses do you cope?
Thanks in advance for any insight.