Hi all. Hope all is well with you. I am feeling so depressed today and so alone. I am staying off of my feet more now especially since Friday when I had some bad cramping. I went to the doctor and had an ultrasound done. My cervix is still thinning but I still haven't dilated which is good. Our baby is fine; he weighs 1 lb and 13 ounces. I will be 26 weeks tomorrow. I take baths now instead of showers and my mom is staying here during the day to take care of my daughter so I don't have to pick her up much. Our friends have been bringing us dinner each night since I can't cook now. That is wonderful and a big help to us. I haven't really been depressed since I started back on the Tegretol but today I am so depressed and I feel so all alone. I just want to cry!! I feel like my quality time with my daughter is not as good anymore since I can't pick her up and walk around with her or dance with her anymore. I take naps with her and hold her on my lap. I sit in the floor with her and play with her that way but I feel like she knows that something has changed. I just feel so sad. I feel so alone. I will do whatever it takes to get our son here as close to due time as possible. I don't know. I'm trying not to worry and praying a lot for things to turn out alright. But yet I still feel so depressed and weepy. Today is just a bad day for me. My mom is here, I have my husband at night, friends stop by to visit and yet I still feel alone.
Well, thanks for listening. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this board and you guys to turn to.