Hey, bluejude. I am in my second pregnancy right now. I am bipolar II and a rapid cycler. In my first pregnancy I totally came off my Tegretol but kept taking my Seroquil for the mania and to help me sleep. I also took Ativan to help with my panic attacks and anxiety. During my second pregnancy I got so depressed, so so depressed, that when I turned six months my ob and pdoc agreed that I could go back on my Tegretol to help me. The first trimester is the most crucial because all of the baby is forming at once and this is the highest risk time for birth defects to occur. So after I cleared the first trimester (plus I wanted to go as long as I could without the Tegretol because it causes birth defects) I got to go back on it at a lower dose. I am doing much better now.
There are medicines that you can take while pregnant especially after the first trimester has come and gone. I would do some research if I were you and talk with your pdoc extensively. You may have to substitute a different medicine for one of your normal ones while you are pregnant due to birth defects and such but it would be worth it. You need the help of your medications!!! You have to take care of yourself in order to be able to take care of your new baby.
So that is my opinion and my story. Like I said, do some research on medicines and talk with your pdoc and ob about medicines that you can take while pregnant. You need to let them know how bad you are feeling as well and that you need the help. Like I said also, after the first trimester is over, there are lots of medicines that you will be able to take. The Seroquil I was able to take the entire time and it helped me sleep too.
Good luck and keep us posted.