Just me, again; Well, I did see the new pdoc, yesterday, but, apparently they had been trying to contact me to cancel as something else came up. They were't able to reach me as I'd moved since I was seen in Crisis, so they decided to move my appointment to a later time and when I finally saw him, he said it had to be short. Since I've been waiting 18 months to see a pdoc, this was rough. Anyway, I needed paperwork signed in order to qualify for assistance with my rent so I had to put that front and centre, otherwise I wouldn't have help to pay for new place, (old place was awful, wet, mouldy, etc.) Only problem was new pdoc didn't have time to hear me out and I almost felt like a bit of a freeloader asking for his support in getting help with the rent when he knew so little about
me. It all felt really weird. Anyway, I suppose, having to bare your soul to a complete stranger is going to feel weird, no matter what. hey, Capnin Hapnin, what was your experience like with the new doc? We're flying with just the old SSRI, for now. I will get to see him in 3 weeks. By then I'll know if there's anything else that we can do. I heard someone on this forum say they got a lot of energy from Zoloft. Hope I don't jump over the moon.