To Penny,
I hate to bring this up and you've probably heard this before but......Do you think it's possible that your son has Bi-Polar (manic depression)
A lot of times this can be triggered by epilepsy.
All the symptoms are the same as you've described in your post titled "No subject" including.....paranoia.......aggresive and/or violent initiative.......always wants to sleep......poor eating habits......spending money just for the sake of spending...etc.
Check out the "BI-Polar" board on this site.
Very often kids get into trouble with the law etc. and everybody is quick to call him a bad kid when it is an undiagnosed medical problem that can be treated with meds.
I have an 18 year old son that was dianosed with "Bi-Polar" (manic depression) when he was 12 and he has been putting this family through hell.
Good Luck
Randy (Ontario, Canada)