I had my appt yesterday with my pshyciatrist. It went really well for at least the 1st appt and I go back in 2 weeks. But I guess I'm officially bi-polar. It's all new to me that's for sure, but it feels good to know what the deal is. Now I have lots to learn about
it so I am educated on it. I also have firbo and my pshyciatrist gave me a med that is specifically for fibro which is great and I started it today.
I got prescribed Seroquel for the bi-polar. If anyone has taken it give me the lo down on it. I only just started taking it last night and it surely knocked me on my rear end. The only thing I didn't like about it was the fact that it kinda made my arms and legs feel heavy.
So now I'm in here to with all you guys. I am glad that I have some sort of diagnosis and I was told that if I felt the need to go to the hospital that they will get me in and it will be a private hospital instead of a state run place.