I went to my general doctor for generalized muscle pain that has gone on for months now. MY Rheumy says the pain is not caused by the Rheumatide Arthritis. It should not be caused by the sleep apneia because the treatment has been started for a while. The Dr thought Fibromalgia, but the D
x for that is by elimination. He ran a huge list of blood tests that I should here back from anyday now.
When he was there he also took a look at my list of meds and what my complaints are and said what jumps out at him is the Lamictal. He believes that it is the Lamictal that may be causing the chronic, generalized, muscle aches. I is probably the reason I have "chemo brain" and have concentration problems, and brain fog.
Has anyone else heard of the Lamictal doing this after being on it for about 1 1/2 years?
I will post the results of the bloodwork when I ger it.