I'm crawling out from under my rock today. I had an appt. with my tp today too. Apparently I am still a "suicide risk" although I'm 100% OK (for now). It made for an interesting session. She wants me to talk about
the stuff I just can't do - like going to the bank, for example. I REALLY struggle with those little personal interactions. (On a bad day). On a good day I am totally fine. It's so hit or miss, I try to keep items for errands with me at all times to take advantage of when I'm alright to get them done.
I was starting to go into a mixed state last night and knocked it out with Klonopin. Hopefully will be OK now.
I'm tried and worn down from 16-hour days at school. I'm behind in my classes ofter my last short depressive thing. But at least I have about a week to catch up before the next bunch of exams.
*sigh* not depressed. Just reality sucks sometimes.