First of all, dont feel like this is the end of the world. DOes he have a mental disorder? Yes, does it mean he is condemned to a life in a mental instution, NO. Many of us on here are very successful and have incorperated the the bipolar into our lives, or at the least hae atruce with it and work around the problem. I myself have a lot of hypomanias that with medication is undercontrol. I get just enough of the mania to be productive but not enough to cause problems in my marriage and life.
The biggest thing i can tell you to help you out is this. If the worst comes to worst and you are bipolar, dont duck it or hide from it. This desease florishes in a enviroment of ignorance and denial. My success was fully based on a few things, one was getting a good medicine into my system to bring me down to "normal". Next was being willing to have somone help me to help myself. I really embraced my therpay and read as much as i could, asked all the questions i could, and really opened up and was honest, brutally honest about what i had did, what i was thinking , and how i was feeling.
Finally we are here for you and him. We have been there and done that on most of the bipolar screwups you can make. We all here have had money issuse, sex issues, depressions, manias, gambling, alchol, drugs, you name. it. Just because we went thru it doesnt mean you will. I for one have had no problems with drugs, gambling, or alchol, however depression and sex have been my bug-a-boos. LOL LOL LOL
You are not alone, and scary as this it, you will move on and learn to live with it and be successful. We are here for you and you can ask any question, we are nonjudgemental and a very very supportive group here.