Hey guys, WOW thanks for all the responses...Sorry haven`t been on in a few days. Had a great day with my Mom yesterday :)
Also, I took this week off of work. Enough of the panic attacks, deep depression, extreme fatigue etc. I have lots to do around the house to keep me busy AND I am going to spend a couple days with my Mom.
Tortoise, you really captured how bf is feeling. I know he misses me when I am depressed. I know he feels rejected.... And I don`t forget that he feels affected as a result, but for years now, I have been longing for just SOME understanding. But I believe truly from conversations we`ve had about my illness, that he actually has the stigma towards the depression, the meds...something he said the other day showed stigma.... There can be a balance. I have read so many spouses on here asking for advice, education etc. My bf unfortunately is not educated on this illness at all. He has no clue as to what meds I am on or why. He just disagrees with it. He doesn`t like me pdoc who he has never met because he prescribes the meds. So while bf is feeling normal feelings due to being affected, there is also a huge underlying problem with it all. I have tried emailing him a few times; one recently to give him a heads up that I was having a bad day and that I didn`t want to affect him at home so in the email I described how I was feeling and that I was going to be okay...no reply and no reponse when I asked if he got the email later at home. I have tried the communication thing for when I am feeling down so many times, but the minute I say `hun, I am depressed today` walls go up.
MMMNAVY, good to hear from you--I am going to give this counsellor another chance. At least she was really nice and it`s hard to give up right away because she lives one street over from me....But if it doesnt work, I will look elsewhere because it`s important to have someone who fits.
happy bill- you are so right about ppl not being able to really understand what we go through. Here is my belief with this: Ppl cannot possibly fully understand what we experience, because they aren`t walking in our shoes, they aren`t us, they aren`t living it, feeling it. However, I fully believe that ppl can educate themselves by listening to the bp person, by reading, by reaching out to forums like this....and through knowledge that person can come that much closer to AN understanding of their own. This type of understanding helps them to help us and can also help us help them etc. I`ve just read too many spouses posts on here, about how they are involved in their loved one`s care sometimes, attending sessions, BIG ONE-actually recognizing symptoms etc. That they have knowledge about this illness and they want to do whatever they can to help, to provide comfort and care.
Anyway, you all were so right in what you said. Thank you all so much for reaching out to me. I will let you know how the next session goes! Hope you are all well today.