With my own moods...
I dont have a pdoc as I have only moved here 6 weeks ago , I am looking for one , but when you dont have insurance its hard to say the least.
Yesterday morning and afternoon , I was mildly depressed.. Last night I was better... bouncy and talkative... This morning I woke up feeling good .. then after my coffee I felt tired and sluggish again ... Then all of a sudden I felt manic BAD I had a rush of ideas and thought about not getting on the plane tonight bc of everything I would miss here this weekend. I rushed out and spent a lil money on something I didnt need and my heart was pounding , The music was not lous or fast enough , but I sang at the top of my lungs anyway , I ran two red lights and almost hit a car. For the past hour I felt invincible. I was thinking to myself , I better slow down before I get pulled over... The next thought was , no cop is goin to give me a ticket .. NOT ME Why ? Because I am ME....
Im ok now... still jittery and want to paint the wall or something stupid like that.... Im having trouble finding the energy to do the things I WANT to do ... and that is agitating....
What is this? Ultra rapid rapid rapid moment to moment cycling? lol