I'll start, and i'll name three.
1. My mom came thru her surgery with flying colors, now we just have to wait for the results of the oncolgy to see if it was cancer or not.
2. My wife and i had a great evening was so perfect that after it was over i cleaned the kitchen, made a huge fruit salad, and cleaned out the refrigritor. God i love hypomanic moments. LOL LLOL LOL
3. While i was at my Mom's in Pittsburgh, i took my big puppy with me. While we were out walking a man came out and asked if that was a Bernese Mountain Dog. He said he had only seen them on tv, and had wanted one for the family. He asked if we would wait so he could go get the family. Out of the house comes a ton of kids, and Thor was fantastic, shaking hands with them, giving them kisses, being a wonderful gentle lamb of a dog with tons of young kids just surrounding him.
It was a great time for thor and us, and i really think that after that introduction that family is now Berner lovers for sure.
Ok, thats three good things that happened to me this week. Three good things in the midst of a major mania attack, working like a madman, and having issues in my marriage.
Thats three great things i was glad to be there for. I cant wait to hear about yours.